Weekly Summary: 7/4 - 7/10

By Ryan Furrer

Welcome to the 3rd installment in my "Weekly Summary" series where I provide quick recaps for what I worked on the previous week to help keep myself accountable.

First, let's go over my weekly schedule:

Current Weekly Schedule

  • Monday - Thursday: Study from 6:00pm - 8:00pm-ish. I'll go until 9 depending on how I'm feeling.

  • Friday: Study from 1:00pm - 4:00pm I like to give myself more time to study when I can and working half-day Fridays for my current job is a great way to get in some extra time.

  • Saturday: Study from 7:30am - 9:30am I give myself at least 2 hours on Saturdays even though I can often get in more time.

  • Sunday: Day off This is my day to recoup, get energized, and prepare for the coming week!

This all works with my personal goal of studying/coding 2 hours per day. I would love to do more but I don't have the mental bandwidth throughout the week to do more, typically.

I don't always get to stick to this schedule but I try my best to do so. Now then, let's get to it!

Monday, July 5th

Monday I was off as Independence Day was observed and it's a national holiday in the US. I caught up on some emails/newsletters that were piling up in my inbox, posted last week's "Weekly Summary," and sent out my first newsletter via Revue! While this contained last week's "Weekly Summary" and I don't have much of

I also built our a link sharing page on my website that I have placed in my social media channels that links to my portfolio, blog, twitter, etc.

Tuesday, July 6th

Friends from out of state were in town so I took the night off and enjoyed dinner and catching up with them. While no coding was done, I thoroughly enjoyed the White Castle we ate 😋

Wednesday, July 7th

Wednesday was a bit tough for me...it was not the night I planned on having as I had to stop what I was doing to be there for my fiancée through a panic attack which also means being there for her the rest of the night.

Before that, however, I got in some studying React. Not a very productive night but things happen and you just have to adapt.

Thursday, July 8th

Thursday was fun! I got new switches for my mechanical keyboard so I installed those before diving into studying React.

Friday, July 9th

Friday was a fun day for me! I messed around in React and Gatsby a bit to learn it more in-depth. While I don't plan on using Gatsby for future projects on my portfolio, Coding Catchup is built on it so the more I learn the better, in my opinion.

I also created my own blog cover images to be more personalized. Though basic, I'd prefer using my own that I created in Affinity Designer. Previously I was using CoverView by Rutik Wankhade which worked well, but I wanted to create something I had total control over.

Saturday, July 10th

On Saturday I had to do some updating to my Wedding website, however, upon opening VS Code I saw how messy everything was. The HTML was not as semantic as I'd like and the SCSS was a garbled mess, so I chose to rewrite it from the ground up!

I spent Saturday only worrying about the mobile site as making it responsive wouldn't take too much.

Moving Forward

I have to finish my wedding website, that is first and foremost, as our wedding is in October and invites are going out very soon. Other than that I plan on doing some more writing this week and actually diving deep into React again, life-permitting.

If you don’t already, I’d love for you to follow my journey to becoming a web developer on Twitter where I’ve committed to and post updates daily! Come and say hi, I’d love to support you.

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