An Introduction to Me

By Ryan Furrer

I haven't written in a while but I'm trying to enter the blogging world again and thought it best to start off with an introductory post. If this doesn't interest you feel free to wait until the next one!

👋🏻 Hey there, and welcome to my blog! This is my home to write about all things web development including:

  • My journey into front-end web development

    • HTML

    • CSS

    • JavaScript

    • React

    • Whatever else I want

Here's a bit about me...

My name is Ryan Furrer and I am 29 years old at the time of writing. I am currently studying to become a front-end web developer while working full-time and having a slew of other responsibilities. Other people have done this before so that gives me hope!

I've been studying on and off since June 2019 and I cannot believe it's been that long already - clearly I've spent more time off than on if I don't have a job in the field yet. Since then I've taken courses, read blogs, written blogs, watched YouTube videos, worked partially through Udemy courses and more...yet most of all I've burnt myself out time and time again.

In my most recent endeavor I joined a paid accountability group - hosted by Joe Previte - called This gave me an incredibly focused 30 days from May 9th - June 9th in which I had to share my progress daily in a private Telegram group chat. During this time I began making actual progress in learning React as well as refining a schedule for which I can study as much as possible without the burn out.

I've joined the group again and this time it is running from June 15th - July 15th and I'm more excited than I was last time.

I look forward to writing more and more as I learn. This will not only be a good place for me to get my thoughts out but help those that are learning now and in the future. If you look in the right places the web development community is amazing which is why I want to not only give back but pay it forward to those that might find my articles down the road.

Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter and I hope you'll come back for more!

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